Design Principle - Task 3 (Design)

6/3/2024- 23/3/2024 ( Week 5 -Week 7)

Alyssa Lim Shyn Yi (0365877) Class 01 Sec 03

Design Principles GCD60804

Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media / Taylor's University

TASK 3 (Design)


1. Instructions

2. Lecture

3. Task 3 (Design)


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


During week 5, our lecturer Mr Zeon brief us about task 3. He reminded us to cite the website where we get our ideas and keep the sources link. Moreover, we should show him our sketches (3-5 sketches) during week 6. Our final work can be 3D model or 2D art. A rationale of 150-200 words are also required to explain the design we created. Website link should be kept and cited. Other than that, we should also apply our knowledge on design principle in our creation. Any medium or materials which are suitable can be used to convey our visual message. Direct use of photographs are not perimited.

Any work that is found plagiarised will result in an F grade for the overall module and the student will be subjected to the policies of the University concerning academic misconduct. 

The blog must contain all the work done and completed for this module, along with a final reflection.



The topic that I choose for this theme was UNSDG Goal 9 known as Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure. The following topic seeks to advance innovation, sustain industry, and upgrade infrastructure across the globe to support resilience and economic growth. 

Figure 1.0 (Link)                                         Figure 1.1 (Link)

 Figure 1.2 (Link)

My inspiration mostly comes from Pinterest and revolves around my own idea, art style, interest towards creating the sketches below. I personally prefer my sketches to have a minimalistic approach yet easier for viewers to understand the message of my artwork.

My Pinterest board: Link

Draft Sketches

The images below are my draft sketches for UNSDG Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure).


     Figure 1.3 (Sketch 1)                                     Figure 1.4 (Sketch 2)

Figure 1.5 (Sketch 3)

Final Sketches

After getting feedback from Mr Zeon in week 6, the image below is my final sketch. 

Figure 1.6 (Sketch 4)

On the same week, I had also emailed him about my final sketch and asked for his feedback.

Figure 1.7 (Feedback from Mr Zeon)

Figure 1.8 (Feedback from Mr Zeon)

Figure 1.9 Sketch 5 (Final Sketch)

Final Design

For this task, I had chosen Procreate to finalize my artwork and designs in it.

Moodboard & Color Palette

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


The slides below is my process in finalizing the designs. Initially, I planned to do a wooden frame for my artwork. However, after I tested out the colors for the wooden frame, I realized that wooden frame did not suit my theme for this work as my theme had a more modern and futuristic approach to it. Hence, I decided to redesign the wooden frame to a neon yet vibrant & modern which suits my theme more.

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Title: " Cyber Chronicles "
Figure 2.0 (Final Design) 23/3/2024
Format: A4 size (JPEG)

Design Principles: Symmetrical balance, repetition, contrast, alignment, emphasis


" Cyber Chronicles" poster is a visual exploration which explored on UNSDG Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure which targets in building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. Reasons I came out with this design was because I want to let my audiences to have a better understanding about the existence of Goal 9 as some people had some misconceptions about it. For example, one of the misconception was degradation in environment or depletion of resources, bringing environmental problems rather than solving them. I wished that my audiences could raise awareness about importance of UNSDG Goal 9 and its relevance to sustainable development. Moreover, people can promote technological innovation by supporting startups of young entrepreneurs who were working on sustainable solutions with the purpose of transforming the world into a better living ones. In this poster, there are a few design principles can be found in here such as symmetrical balance, contrast, alignment, emphasis and repetition. Firstly, symmetrical balance and alignment are found here as both design principles suggested a harmonious and organized composition where my elements are evenly distributed. Furthermore, the use of contrasting colors are used inside my artwork to make my cyborg face to stand out. Hence, the design principle emphasis is on my cyborg face. Lastly, another design principle found inside was repetition as I used hexagon shapes to fill up part of my background.

Word Count: 233 words



General Feedback: Sketch is great.

Specific Feedback: Remove the earth behind the human cyborg in sketch 3, hands in sketch 1 can be used to control the pieces of robot faces, hexagon shapes in sketch 2 can be used as background. Mr Zeon suggested to use rubik's cube to see if it can become human cyborg face.


General Feedback: Remember to list down design principles.

Specific Feedback: Color is too flat, try to add some shadows to it. Try testing out more colors to see the outcome.


I had fun and stress times while doing this work honestly. This was also my first time trying to do a techno theme which I actually challenge myself to do it. In the end, I was happy with my own final outcome although I had hard times figuring and testing out different colors just to match my theme. The learning goals for this task are actually wanting us to understand and apply the knowledge of design principles which we had learnt in the previous lecture and to have better organization and synthesis written and visual outputs into final complete blog. After getting feedbacks from my lecturer and did some researches of my own, I was grateful that I managed to completed my work on time.


For this week's further reading, I have chosen a topic which discussed on asymmetrical balance in art on Studio Binder. The title of the article goes by " What Is Asymmetrical Balance in art - Composition Techniques ".

Link to website:

In contrast to symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance in art is examined in this article. Whereas symmetrical balance depends on an equal distribution of weights, asymmetrical balance uses visual elements with different weights to produce equilibrium. Advantages of asymmetrical balance include visual variety and movement, which enhance its engagement and dynamic quality. This is especially true in modern art, when artists want to defy convention.


Task 1: Exploration

Task 2: Visual Analysis

Task 3: Design

Final Compilation


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